About us
“All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
God had a desire His children in this place.
Brother David Karunakaran born to Y.John Rajendran and J.Chandra working as a quality assurance personnel in a private company. He had finished his diploma in Refrigerant and Air Conditioning. However, God had other plans for his life, he received a call for ministry on April 1983, and he eventually joined Bible College and finished his studies in 1985.
By Divine guidance and providence, Bro David Karunakaran was led to pioneer ministry in Madhavaram. From May 1985- Every Thursday prayer meeting was started in different houses especially in the house of the Knight Family. God did exceedingly great and mighty things in the house prayers.
David Karunakaran and Baby Sugirtha were united in marriage by God’s will in October 1991. At the time of marriage, Sister Baby Sugirtha was working as a nurse in Vijaya hospital, Chennai but had left her job to be a part of missions.
God had a great purpose in their life. The couple began to seek God earnestly to understand the longing of God’s heart.
Though God did great things in the weekly payers, there was not a single believer who came to the church in the Sunday service for 6 months
And the Lord opened the heart of single unbeliever who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Personal Savior.
The church continued with a single Believer for another 6 months.
On October 4 1985 the church was dedicated with a single member of a church
In 1986 Sunday morning service and evening services was started.
In 1987 Vacation bible school was started…
After 3 years of pioneering up the church Sunday morning and evening services Tuesday bible studies and sister’s fellowship, Thursday prayers, outreaches, Sunday schools, opener, film ministry, gospel meeting and special meetings etc…..
what just seemed like very small steps actually took us ahead progressing everyday to fulfill the vision of God had in mind for us. We moved forward as a family with a mind full of dreams and a heart full of God.
In 1992, a son was born to this couple and they named him David John Solomon.
we continued to grow not just in numbers but in spiritual health and maturity under the leadership of our pastor and pastor amma who groomed us to be a family after God’s heart.
Unfortunately in 1998, thatched roof fell apart, and the church service was disturbed.
With all struggle and pain with the grace of God which was sufficient and sustained us to complete the construction work by the year of 2002.
it was God who came in search of us, and picked us each from our mess and gave us hope and joy through His house. He kept us under the guidance of our shepherd and taught us-built us-encouraged us-comforted us-healed us-trained us and gave us abundance of life everyday.
In the year 2002 God gave us a vision about the mission by his commission- MISSION 1 CRORE
God also helped us to fulfill his mission through schools, vacation bible schools (VBS) and 25 Sunday schools and 25 different places
God was more faithful in each step we took. Our church was a lighthouse in the locality, transforming many families with the good news of Jesus Christ. We worked together pioneering churches, conducting children’s clubs, helping widows, educating poor children, and reaching out in times of natural disasters.
He met our needs miraculously, He gave us divine favor and strengthened us each day as we came together to build a new house of worship. Our God always made sure that we got nothing lesser than the best. His love for us has never failed.
the days of building our Father’s House was filled with joy. We worked together, prayed together, laughed together and sometimes even cried together. We realized that we were one family, and grew closer to each other. God kept us in His hand and taught us to rely on Him everyday.
In the year 2010, Brother David John Solomon, after returning from theological studies began to assist Pastor David Karunakaran in different ministries of the church.
and now we are a living testimony of His faithfulness completing a 30 years of experiencing his glory.
for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”